We’re raising money to build a dance, drama and music studio at Lower School. Will you help? Read on to find out what we’re planning, why we need it, and what you can do to support us.
What’s Raise the Roof all about?
Creative and Performing Arts are a big part of Archer Academy life, and we’re pretty good at it, winning awards in a variety of competitions and festivals across the years. But we currently don’t have a proper rehearsal space for our Lower School students, so we’re raising the funds to build a bespoke studio on site.
Why are we doing it?
Taking part in dance, drama and music supports young people in so many ways; it boosts confidence and presentation skills, encourages resilience and teamwork, and brings joy to everyone involved. And with mental health issues on the rise, it’s more important than ever that we create spaces for our young people to thrive.
Our new studio will provide the space for our students to rehearse and perform, and the tech and equipment to develop those who want to be involved behind the scenes. And, as with all Archer Academy facilities, this fantastic new resource will be available for community hire outside of school hours.
“I never had the chance to do Creative and Performing Arts before coming to the Archer; it’s so inspiring and I enjoy the subjects so much. A new studio would not only help more students discover a love for CPA, but would also open doors for children in the community to experience dance, drama and music in a dedicated space that could help them grow and learn.” Alfie P, Year 11 student
What’s the plan?
We’ve already raised £270,000 through a combination of grant and trust funding, contributions from parents and other private donors, and a massive effort by our students and our Parents Association. But we still need to secure another £180,000 before we can start building.
How can people help?
There are a number of ways that you could support Raise the Roof and help us hit our target:
Make a direct donation via our payment page. Please also complete the Gift Aid form, if you are able, to increase the value of your donation by 25%.
Put us in touch with anyone you know who might be able to help – whether that’s people with links to trust or grant foundations, high-net-worth individuals with an interest in the performing arts, or any relevant contacts in the music, dance and drama spheres. Email finance@thearcheracademy.org.uk to put us in touch.
Share your time and expertise by joining our Raise the Roof Fundraising Team – contact the team to find out more and volunteer.